segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2012

Oitavo Ano - Review Past Continuous Tense

Past Continuous Tense
Possui a seguinte estrutura na forma affirmativa:
Subject + Verb to be (Past Form) + Verb (gerund) + Complement  
Segue abaixo exemplo utilizando o verbo ESTUDAR:
Affirmative Form
Interrogative Form
I was studying (eu estava estudando)
You were studying (você estava estudando)
He was studying (ele estava estudando)
She was studying (ela estava estudando)
It  was studying (ele estava estudando)
We were studying (nós estávamos estudando)
You were studying (vocês estavam estudando)
They were studying (eles estavam estudando)
Usa-se o auxiliar antes do sujeito (WAS/WERE):
Was I studying?
Were you studying?
Was he studying?
Was she studying?
Was it studying?
 Were we studying?)
Were you studying?
Were they studying?
Negative Form
Contracted form (negative)
was not = wasn’t
were not = weren’t
Usa-se NOT depois do auxiliar WAS/WERE:
I was not studying (eu não estava estudando)
You were not studying (você não estava estudando)

I wasn’t studying.
You weren’t studying.

1) WAS e WERE são o passado do VERB TO BE (ser/ estar). Usamos WAS sempre que o sujeito for I (eu), HE (ele), SHE (ela) ou IT (ele/ para objetos, animais ou lugares) e utilizamos WERE sempre que o sujeito for WE (nós), YOU (você, vocês) ou THEY (eles, elas).
I am (eu sou, eu estou)
You are (você é, você está)
He is (ele é, ele está)
She is (ela é, ela está)
It is (ele é, ele está)
We are (nós somos, nós estamos)
You are (vocês são, vocês estão)
They are (eles são, vocês estão)
I was (eu era, eu estava)
You were (você era, estava)
He was (ele era, ele estava)
She was (ela era, ela estava)
It was (ele era, ele estava)
We were (nós éramos, nós estávamos)
You were (vocês eram, você estavam)
They were (eles eram, eles estavam)

2) Para obter o gerúndio dos verbos em Inglês, acrescentamos ING no final do verbo:
To drink - beber
Drinking- bebendo
To watch - assistir
Watching - assistindo
To write - escrever
Writing - escrevendo
To buy - comprar
Buying - comprando
To read - ler
Reading - lendo

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